How to build a firewood shed?

by Big D

I want to build a firewood shed from small diameter logs on my property...easier for a woman to handle...enough to hold 6 cords of wood to burn over the winter. I could easily see 6 sheds or 3 bays each side with one main sturdy wall shared in the middle.

My goal is to not spend any money.

I can peel or not peel the logs. I would love to avoid digging holes for the posts as the ground is very rocky. I have lots of tools and power tools.

I will also need to put a steeply pitched roof of sorts (or rafters) because we live up 4,500 feet elevation and must content with great big snow.

A tarp over the rafters would work temporarily...but I could see getting the attachment for our chainsaw and being able to eventually square a round log and use the flat back pieces we cut off (slabbing or squaring off a beam) as the roof pieces.

I know it's a challenge...but I'm up for it.

Thanks for any help you can afford me.


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Building a firewood shed
by: John - Admin

Looks like a great book that Tim. I'll have to check it out.

Have you built any of the designs in it?

All the best.


Firewood shed ideas
by: Tim Baber

Try to get hold of:

Shelters, Shacks and Shanties and how to build them: a classic guide for outdoorsmen and scouts.

it is by D C Beard. Originally published in 1914

ISBN 1 55821 952 8 (My version by The Lyons Press)


I got mine from Amazon.

It should be pretty much what you want

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