Gentle Slope To Hardstanding...

by Neil

Hi John, Fantastic site. Lots of very helpful information, however, I do have a question that I hope you might be able to help with. I've decided to try and build my own shed, and unfortunately, I started the preparation before finding your site. I decided to build a hard-standing area for my shed, and thinking that this should act like a patio would, I included a gentle slope - roughly 1:100 - to encourage water to not pool under the shed. The theory was ok, I think, but now having thought a little more I'm wondering how best to make the floor of the shed level without having to relay the patio slabs again.

The floor shape is roughly trapezoidal - left to right is 10ft, whilst the right is 6ft deep and the left is 5ft deep - to make the best use of space. I'm staggering the back so that all joints are square on.

Thanks for any help


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Use screw jacks or plastic spacers
by: John

Hi Neil,
Thank you for your question. With a 1 in 100 fall over about 3 metres you are looking at a difference in level of about 3cm. I can think of two ways of making up this difference so that your base timbers are level:

One way would be to purchase some adjustable plastic screw jacks from Amazon. I used some of these on a recent project to form a level base for a smaller shed and they worked out very well. You can see how they worked here

Another way to to do this would be to use some sections of treated timber to form the coarse level adjustment and then some of the plastic spacers (that you can get from Screwfix)for the fine adjustment. You can buy these plastic spacers in a mixed bag with thicknesses from 1-5mm so that they make the process of levelling the timbers relatively easy.

I hope that this answers your question. If you have any more questions please ask. Also let me know how you get on.

All the best


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